Friday, May 7, 2010

6.stretch! 5/7/10

not much happened today besides i wrote a few stories and i went shopping for mothers day and i did work but soon im going to work out! yay! i cant wait, i got a few work out games thatll help me to have fun while working out, i have to get my body back in shape because i pulled a muscle in my thigh, well my legg bone came out of my hip bone and during that process i pulled a muscle, how funny haha not reallly and i pinched a nerve inn my rist so i gatta get my leg back to ship shape and hopefully ill be able to bend me leg because i havent stretched my muscles for 1 week the reason i cant stretch my leg now is because before the accident i stretched my leg twice a day every day and now that my legs havent gotten any stretchings there tightening up because there not used to it not used to not being stretched, and thats it 

Thursday, May 6, 2010

5.ugh dishes! 5/6/10

ok, i know that a lot of my blogs start with ok  but thats just a good start with things, well lets see what happened today? um......well i had a break down trying to understand math and i did the dishes WAIT i didnt finish em ok well i gatta go do that and that was my day well i forgot that i did laundry too and went to the grocery store and thats it and soon ill b done with the dishes

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

4.pretty cool 5/5/10

ok so today when i was writing the date on a paper i realized something so i asked my grandma whats 
5 + 5? so shes like 10 and i said ok now make that into the date. and shes like its 5/5/10! and so she said did u tell ur mom? and i said no because i just thought of it so thats pretty cool im thinkin and not much else happened besides a moth flew into my home and a spider chased it, that was pretty weird and so thats it i think.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

3.not much 5/4/10

well today was a little different i tried to contacted a lot of people trying to be there frend like an internet frend and my ex frend was being a little out of hand and i finished my homework early! yes! and thats it basically, my cat is sick i forgot, he got sick the day i got better witch happens to be today so he was throwing up a lot this morning, my poor little kitty.(:~(

2.obviously i suck 5/4/10

ok so obviously i suck because i didnt write a post yesterday and yesterday would have been only my second post so i suck, but that doesnt mean that nothing happened yesterday. last night a huge spider crawled out from behind the curtains and me and my mom are deadly affraid of spiders and my grandmas not BUT she was at work so i had to wait all night for her to come home because i was affraid to leave the room and go into another room sounds a bit dumb i know but im just like that so my grandma finally came home and she caught the spider in a clear glass and since the glass was clear i got a bettter look at the spidy and he had fangs, i had never seen a spider with fangs , well besides a poisinous tarantula , so i was like wow that thing could have bitten us when we went to sleep if i hadnt seen it,so my grandma went outside and THOUGHT she dumped the spider out of the cup and when she came back in the spider was still in the cup and she went back outside and the spider WOULD not leave the glass so she scooped him out with a paper and he dangled from that on a web but FINALLY he fell off and my mom said i think hes affraid of heights.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


um hello welcome to my new blog, so ill explain everything, talking to you was my first blog and thats about updates in my life, advice time is my second blog and thats obviously about advice and since ill be trying to go on here every day and write posts ill be checking all my blogs so therefore ill be checking advice time and your question will get seen probably the day you ask it and ill see your comments quicker too, and now my third one is daily days and that is daily posts